Joe Msanii of Msanii Music Group


Joash Nyamongo is the founder of Msanii Music Group. Within the vast tapestry of his multifaceted persona, Joash is a dexterous music teacher, masterful composer, visionary producer, compassionate mentor, and profound philanthropist. Widely known as Joe Msanii, his name reverberates throughout the music industry, heralding him as a revered figure who has crafted an unparalleled legacy through his extraordinary leadership as the founder and director of the illustrious Msanii Music Group.

Immersed in a wealth of industry wisdom and fortified through countless collaborations, Joe’s journey as a seasoned producer has been an odyssey of creative exploration. His keen acumen and mastery of the art of music production have been honed through captivating partnerships with musicians emanating from diverse cultures, genres, and regions that stretch across the breathtaking landscapes of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malawi.


From an early age, Joash’s musical journey unfolded with boundless passion and talent. His innate ability to compose and produce music captured the attention and admiration of his peers, earning him the title of “producer” in 2008 and establishing him as a creative force to be reckoned with. Throughout his education, Joash’s exceptional gifts continued to shine, garnering recognition and respect within various artistic circles, particularly during his time at Kisii Progressive Secondary School. Within the realm of his spiritual life, Joash’s talents flourished as he became an integral member of the Mwangaza Youth and Mwangaza SDA Church choir, captivating audiences with his skillful piano playing.

In 2010, Joash’s vision took concrete form with the establishment of Msanii Records, a renowned recording studio in East and Central Africa. Serving as a creative hub, Msanii Records has been instrumental in producing over 1000 songs for numerous groups, churches, and institutions. The studio’s resounding success led to the opening of a branch in Dar es Salaam in 2017, further expanding Joash’s influence across East Africa.

However, Joash’s true legacy lies in the genesis of the Msanii Music Group. Fueled by his unwavering belief in the power of collaboration and artistic unity, Joash brought together a diverse group of talented individuals who shared his vision. Alongside Joan Ochanda, Timothy Wanjala, and Vanessa Atieno, fellow gifted artists and core members of the Msanii Records Staff, Joash co-founded MMG, setting the stage for a musical odyssey that would captivate audiences far and wide.

In unforeseen twist of fate, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked continuous and exponential growth under Joash’s visionary leadership. What began with Msanii Records Staff now grew to a group of nine Adventist friends then quickly expanded to encompass talented individuals from various denominations, enriching their music with a tapestry of cultural influences. The group’s remarkable talent and unwavering dedication led them to achieve a significant milestone in February 2023 when they triumphed at the prestigious Maranatha Awards, solidifying their position as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

Today, MMG boasts a thriving membership of 35 exceptionally gifted individuals. With an impressive discography featuring over 115 releases, Joash’s captivating compositions, including “Mtuliza Bahari,” “Nitangulie,” “Mwambie Yesu,” “Neno Litasisimama,” and “Malaika,” continue to resonate with audiences across borders.

Beyond his artistic pursuits, Joash as demonstrated through the endeavours of MMG is defined by his compassionate spirit. Joash’s unwavering commitment to making a difference through music is evident in his selfless dedication to freely teach and compose songs for children’s homes, choirs for churches, youth groups, corporation and solo artists. As a mentor, he guides aspiring artists on their creative journeys, providing invaluable support and encouragement. As the visionary behind the Msanii Music Group, Joash’s compassion knows no bounds. He goes above and beyond, empowering members of the group to pursue higher education and embark on their own careers, instilling them with the tools they need to flourish.
Driven by a desire to uplift the less fortunate, Joash’s philanthropic endeavours led to the establishment of the Msanii Music Foundation. This beacon of hope, born out of his deep-rooted compassion, aims to promote the common good and transform lives through the power of music. Joash’s unwavering belief in music’s ability to inspire, heal, and effect positive change fuels the foundation’s mission, making a tangible impact on society.

Amidst his diverse musical and philanthropic ventures, Joash discovers solace, delight, and unwavering motivation within the embrace of his devoted family. Within this familial support system, his wife, Rachael Nyarangi, emerges as an unwavering pillar of strength, ardently championing his vision and actively contributing to the tapestry of the renowned Msanii Music Group. Collectively, they embody the extraordinary potency of music and philanthropy, harnessing their talents and shared values to illuminate the lives of those in need with boundless joy, unwavering support, and resounding happiness.

Within the sacred bonds of matrimony, Joe finds himself intertwined with the extraordinary Rachael Nyarangi, an independent artist of exceptional distinction and the mesmerizing lead vocalist of the illustrious Msanii Music Group. United in holy matrimony since the year 2013, their shared journey has been graced by the benevolent touch of a higher realm, where divine blessings have bestowed upon them the resplendent gift of three cherished and effervescent daughters, whose radiant presence illuminates every facet of their existence.

Joash Nyamongo’s journey is an invitation to like-minded individuals and partners to join forces with the impactful Msanii Music Foundation. Through collaboration and collective action, they believe in creating profound and lasting change in society. By embracing the universal language of music and engaging in charitable initiatives, they strive to uplift communities, inspire hope, and foster positive transformation.

He warmly invites you to be a part of this extraordinary journey of compassion, unity, and artistic excellence. Together, let us harness the power of music and philanthropy to create a legacy that resonates with hearts across the globe. Join Joash Nyamongo and the Msanii Music Foundation today and contribute to an inspiring movement that leaves an indelible mark on the world, one act of kindness and one harmonious note at a time.